Eid is beauty..
Eid is dedication..
Eid is happiness…
My Advance wishes to You and your family.
The bunch of
Is being specially
Delivered to u
And yoUr family.
Just to say
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds
Forgive your transgressions and
Ease the suffering of all peoples around globe.
Eid Mubarik
May this.
Eid bring Fun, Eid bring Happiness
Eid bring God Endless Blessings
Eid bring fresh love
EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes.
Hope Love and Laughter, warmth, wishes
Joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations
Became a part of your Eid and Your Life.
Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E = Embrace with open heart
I = Inspire with impressive attitude
D = Distribute pleasure to all
Eid Mubarak
When the sun has set, and day is done
I'll break this chain, but only one.
By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone!
It's time for Eid and lots of fun!!!
On this joyous occasion of eid ul fitr
May Allah bless you With happiness and grace your home with Warmth and peace
Eid Mubarak
May on this EID the Plate of your life is filled
with juicy Kababs and Tikkas topped with Chatni of
Happiness and covered with Salad of Love.
May the nearness of God bring you peace
His fellowship fills you with joy,
His love import to you newness of life
May you enjoy to fullest this Eid day and
Each coming day of the year.
The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua's is all i request
And just wanted to wish you all the BEST.
"Eid Mubarak"
Some feeling can be left unexpressed,
Some words can be left unsaid,
But person like you can never be forgotten on this special day
Before the Golden Sun Rise,
Let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success,
prosperous and Happiness for you and your Family.
Happy Eid Mubarak.
Before the Golden Sun Rise,
let me decorate each of the Rays
with Wishes of Success,
prosperous and Happiness
4 u and 4 ur Family.
Happy Eid Mubarak.
U fasted,u prayed,
U been good 4 a whole 30 days.
So ur merciful ALLAH gave u a sign,
Out came the moon 2 say come celebrate..
Happy Eid mubarak
24 SmileS..
:-) :-) :-) :-)
For You,
One For Each Hour.!
So ThaT You Keep SMiLiNG 24 HOURS At EiD DaY..
[::. EiD MuBArAK .::]
Do you know what is the meaning of EID ?
Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E - Embrace with open heart
I - Inspire with impressive attitude
D - Distribute pleasure to all
~Eid Mubarak~
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid.
May Allah accept your good deeds,
forgive your transgressions and ease
the suffering of all peoples around the globe.
Eid Mubarak
Happy Eid day from the depth of right & left ventricles,
wrapped with the ribbons of purkinje fibers and sealed in pericardium.
Decorated with SA and AV nodes with a glitter topping of pericardial fluid
and cusps of mitral and tricuspid valves.
May the blessings of Allah
fill your life with happiness
and open all the doors of success
now and always.
Eid Mubarak
Wishing u happy Eid,
soft as silk,
white as milk,
sweet as honey,
full of money
bubli as u
Allah almighty bless u with
Kamyabi &
unlimited khushiyan :)
The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua"s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
"Eid Mubarak"
As Allah waters HIS Creation,
May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous
blessings over you and your beloved ones.
Last Nite i Caught some StaRs***
I'll Give them
2 the PeOple
whO r
juSt so
2 Me....
Catch it....its 4 U 2 make ur Day a happiest Day
Eid Mubarak
With all the love an sms can hold
With all the love an sms can hold,
and happy wishes too..
This comes to say!
May this Eid day be wonderful for you
you .!
Wish you a very very
happy eid mubarak to you and your family
Allah flood ur life wid happiness
May Allah flood your life
with happiness on this occasion,
ur heart with love,
ur soul with spirtual,
ur mind with wisdom,
wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarik
Eid is a celebration for muslims to celebrate
Eid is time to say Eid morak and pray
Some muslims give money to their children and say Eid mobarak.
Some muslims go to their friend and neigbours.
Some people give money to other children,
they don't just give money to their own children,
they give money to their friend's children or to their neigbours children.
They can also give money to adults.
Eid mubarak, Eid mobarak to you all my bothers and sisters.
After 3 days
After 72 hours
After 4320 min
After 259200sec
Every1 will send u this msg but i m the
1st telling u and ur family Eid Mubarak.
Today i pray that:-
Happiness be at ur door
May it knock early
Stay late & leave the gift of Allah's
Peace,love,joy & good health behind
shaban mubarak,eid mubarak,
ramadan mubarak,
May you remain happy all the time
Irrespective of any occasion
Shoo Shweeeeet..
Dont Worry.
How Can I
Forget U?
HERE Comes
My Wish.
Eid Mubarak
Many are the wishes
that are being sent your way,
but the is a special one
for a very happy Eid Day
Eid is eid of sacrifice,
and commitment to Allahs orders,
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,
and help all amongst us,
who are helpless,worried,
and waiting for his rehmat,
Ameen.Eid Mubarak.
Everyone sent u
Tradition words about
Eid but i m the fist one
To send u
"Meat Mubarak"
Keep on eating
Different dishes
On this season
A time for joy,
a time for togetherness,
a time to remember my blessings..
For me... it's you!
May Allah Bless you &
Give u all the joy u bring to my life!
you .!
Wish you a very very
happy eid mubarak to you and your family
Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice.
And commitment to Allah orders.
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life.
And help all amongst us, who r helpless, worried.
And waiting for his rehmat, Ameen. Eid Mubarak.
May this ….
Eid bring Fun, Eid bring Happiness.
Eid bring God Endless Blessings.
Eid bring fresh love ….
EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes.
I wish a wish for you. The wish I wish for few. The wish I wish for you is that all your wishes will come true. So keep on wishing as my all wishes are with you. Eid Mubarak.
When my arms can't reach people close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers. May Allah's peace be with you. A very happy Eid Mubarak to special you.
It's more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too.
It's comes with warm and loving thoughts because it's meant for you.
Happy Eid Mubarak.
Of all the days to celebrate this out shines the rest. Wishing that this EID will be the happiest and best. Eid Mubarak.
May you be guided by your faith in Allah & shine in his divine blessings! Eid Mubarak.
Last night I caught some STARS. I'll give them to the people who are so sparklingly special to me.. catch it, it's for you to make your day a happiest day.
Eid Mubarak.
Before the golden sun rise let me decorate each of the rays with wishes of success, prosperous and happiness for you and your family. Happy Eid Mubarak.
May the magic of this EID bring lots of happiness in your life & may celebrate it with your beloved family and friends & may it fill yours and everyone HEART with love. Eid Mubarak.
The moon has been sighted, the samoosas are ready. Here comes EID so just go steady. Lots of dua's is all I request and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!! Eid Mubarak.
Some words can be left unsaid, some feeling can be left unexpressed but person like you can never be forgotten. Eid Mubarak.
May your plate of life be always full of juicy kebabs & tikkas, topped with the chutney of happiness. Eid Mubarak.
May Allah waters HIS creation, may HE sprinkle HIS wonderous blessings over you and your beloved ones. Ameen. Eid Mubarak.
Today I pray that happiness will be at your door, may it knock early, stay late & leave the gift of Allah's peace, love, joy & good health behind. Eid Mubarak.
Wishing you smiles and all things nice. May this Eid bring all the comforts, you have ever wanted, and all the joy and laughter you have ever wished
Many are the wishes that are being sent your way,
but this is a special one for a very happy Eid Day.
Hope Love and Laugher, warmth, wishes, joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations, become a part of your Eid and Your Life.
Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.
May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open all the doors of success now and always.
Eid Mubarak
May Allah bless you on this auspicious day of Eid, and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness. Wish you a Happy Eid Mubarik
I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarik
Do you know the Meaning of EID?
I think it means "ENJOY in DUNIYA!" So, In your life all moments bring EID for you.
Wish you a Happy Eid Mubarik Missing you alot on this Eid.
Wishing you were here to celebrate this holy occasion with me.
May this..
Eid bring Fun,
Eid bring Happiness,
Eid bring God Endless Blessings,
Eid bring fresh love.
EID MUBARAK to You with all best wishes.
Lonesome Without U, Each N Every Moment. When I Am Alone I Close My Eyes N Think Of U N Thoughts Of Ur Love Warms Me Inside N Makes Me Smile.
Miss U A Lot.
Eid Mubarak.
Wishing you all the very best.
By the grace of Allah, let there be peace everywhere.
Eid Mubarak to all of you.
No shadows to depress u, Only joys to surround u, God himself to bless u, these r my wishes for u, Today, tomorrow, and every day. Eid Mubarik.
Wishing u happy Eid, soft as silk, white as milk, sweet as honey, full of money and bubli as u.
A friend iz sweet when its new but it iz sweeter when its true, but u know what, its sweetest when its u
eid mubarak!
May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life & may u celebrate it wid all ur close friendz & may it fill ur HEART wid wonders
Wishing U a Very Very "HAPPY EID MUBARIK" Wid Luv And Best Wishes.
May That Eid Day Brings LOT of HAppiness And JOYS in ur LIFE. May u Live Long LIFE And That EID day comes in UR life Hundred Times.
Remember me in ur prayers.
As Allah waters HIS Creation, May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous blessings over you and your beloved ones.(Aameen).**EID MUBARAK**
Hope Love & Laughter, warmth & wishes joy and a Bouquet of Eid Wishes,
Especially for you!!!
Wishing you all a very happy eid,
And hoping that all the things you wish
For will be yours throughout the year.
Eid mubarak!
A Little Act Of,
Can Fill A Heart with,
***Eid Mubarak***
May your Eid...
Be full of coulorfull gifts and joys
****Eid Mubarik****
You should already know what you have mean to me. Enjoy your EID keeping it in mind that I am thinking of YOU!
Some words can be left unsaid,
some feeling can be left unexpressed
But person like U can never be left unremembered on this day
Once in while, someone comes along, who just naturally makes everyone feel a little happier.
You have given me a new prespective on a lot of things including myself.
THANKYOU. Have a wonderful EID!
This day is a wishing time,
A time for wishing you very special happiness with joy and good cheer, too,
It's also time for wishing you lots of happiness that will be filled with all the finest things with your memory.
All the bright and happy things that life can bring on your way,
Are wished for you today
The happiest thoughts and wishes in this greeting are here.
And hopefully you'll understand the depth of feelings.
That this eid sms is sent especially for you.
EID the auspicious festival is here, a special time to pray rejoice and make merry.
You are someone who deserves the best. So in this sms today is wished that your EID will be the best in every way. May all the beauty, contentment and cheer of EID be yours, And may it bring wonderful times to brighten your world.
This day is for you to revel in joys and merry laughter.
Gather wishes and blessings like a cluster of flower.
May you be bestowed with treasures that will delight you beyond measure.
Wish you a very happy EID.