Allahumma salli abadan
afdhala salawatika
'ala Sayyidina Muhammad
'abdika wa Rasulika wa Nabiyika
wa 'ala aalihi wasallam
kasiran wazid hu tashriifan
wa takrii man
wa an zal hu munzallal
muqarraba 'indaka
yaumal qiyamah
O Allah, O our Lord
convey greetings of eternal peace,
the foremost of greeting
to our Master,
Your servant, Your Rasul
and Your Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
and his family;
protect him with abundant safety,
increase for him accolade and honor
and award him nearness to You
in the Hereafter.
by Prof. Dr. Shaykh Jamal Farouq Ad-Daqqaq